Verbindingen/​Jonctions 14

La Poissonnerie
Interface 3
De Pianofabriek
12–15 December 2013

Are You Being Served?

List notes by

ACTA Anarcha server Anticapitalist, liberating and appropriated technologies Antipatriarchal Autonomous Server Bitbucket DIWO DIY GYNEPUNK BIOlab GitHub Google access admin admin vs users administrator afterlife ambiguities anonymity anonymization antenna archive autodidact autonomy breakfast cage capitalism city marketing claiming closed cloud collaboration collective spaces/collective living commercial appropriation connection continuity control cooperative copy data center de-packaging decentralized decision making dependency/independency disconnection distributed dreams economics encryption entertainment experiment feminism fork forking formal gender girls in tech grayness green party greyness hacking hierarchy history/logs host/serve host/server household/maintenance industrial zone informal infrastructure installation instructions invisible jailbreaking jargon file job shadowing kubuntu lab legal system libupskirt listening live mail art lobbying local/global made for machine/no man’s land/anti-user mail art maker culture manpage/manual masking metaphores mixxx mobility music necessity net labels notes open hardware openness paid domestic work parallel permissions piracy plugs & cables policy politics postal services power relations projects protocol proxy psychogeography public/private radio reengineering reflection repetitive tasks representation of women research resistance resources resources (time/money) reworking rewriting history/genealogies/science root rssources rules security self-learning servant server service/server/host/serving services sexism sharing sharing meal situated context social class soundscape speculative technology spooning state storywashing suitcase summer sustainability third way tragedy transfeminist trust tunnel update users visible voice waves western perspective women and computing women rights working conditions writing “dépropriatarization”